Firming Stem Cell Moisturizer

Firming Stem Cell Moisturizer

Why we need Lumavera firming stem cell moisturizer? Because beautiful skin is a much-desired vanity. Naturally, everyone wants to look pretty. In their strive to look perfect usually, forget that beauty starts from the skin. No matter what you apply to...
Cold Weather Skin Care

Cold Weather Skin Care

Winter is a welcoming season, with its quietness, calmness, and coziness of staying indoors in the blankets. However, along with it, the cold weather brings harshness in the winds, snow, and blizzards which can be stressful on your skin. The transition...
Oxygenating Masque

Oxygenating Masque

Why we need oxygenating Masque? Oxygenating Masque is need of the hour. The new season may look beautiful, but it can be quite damaging to our skin. The cold weather dries our skin out completely, leaving our precious skin looking dull and far from attractive. If you...
Sun Damaged Skin with Lumavera

Sun Damaged Skin with Lumavera

How To Treat Sun Damaged Skin? Summеr ѕun is bеlоvеd bесаuѕе it рrоvіdе уоu the орроrtunіtу tо spend more time outdoors doing thе thіngѕ уоu lоvе. However, thе sun and temperatures соmе аt a рrісе аnd іt is уоur skin thаt pays that рrісе. Sun damage саn lеаd to...